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What are you looking for?

What makes great content and who does it well

Webinar's content

In this series, we talk with Content Marketing expert Maeva Cifuentes of Flying Cat Marketing to dig into using great Content Marketing for your website.

Content marketing is essential for any company wanting to attract customers to purchase from their website.

Ultimately it’s about attracting people to you and your business by providing interesting, useful, insightful, or sometimes funny information.
In this second episode, we’re going to tell you what really makes great content, and we’re going to give you some examples of who is doing it really well.
This short video series introduces the basics of Content Marketing, providing techniques and ideas to put into practice to help your website work for you.

Webinar speakers

What to expect at the
Short Stay Week

4 events in 1

Short Stay Week offers a full week training Conference, full of actionable educational contents in English, Spanish, Italian and French

We put together over 200 speakers, professionals, and experts from all over Europe to offer you the very best training contents of the moment

Interactive workshoprs

Over 60 interactive workshops covering top vertical contents from Revenue Management to Digital Marketing

All sessions are recorded

If you can't participate in all sessions, you don't have to worry! All sessions are recorded, so you can learn at your own pace

As with any other event, you have the chance to schedule a one-to-one meeting with all participants, speakers, and exhibitors

Segmented contents

All topics are segmented into precise verticals, and every single content is calibrated on 3 different levels